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Banking Training Survey 2014
From January 2014 to April 2014, Anagram Group, a training company headquartered in Singapore, conducted a global survey to gauge the training environment for banks in 2014.
About the survey
The survey was conducted by Anagram Group from January to April 2014 through a web-based survey tool.
840 senior level banking professionals around the world completed the survey.
Due to the key markets that Anagram operates in, 26% of survey respondents were from Singapore, and 21% were from the UK. The rest of the respondents were from Australia, Shanghai, Hong Kong, India, Dubai and the US.
95% of respondents believe that more training would benefit their career. 50% expect to receive more hours of training this year compared to 2013 whilst a further 30% see no change.
Due to an increased regulatory environment, the majority of this year’s training budget will go to regulatory and compliance training courses. However, if given a choice, 72% would like more leadership & management courses.
Two-thirds of respondents found their training last year beneficial and were able to realize benefits in their workplace. For the remaining third, the majority were unable to implement their new found skills due to being too busy with day-to-day work.
Select Findings
50% of survey respondents believed that they would receive more training hours this year. For 30%, there was no change in training hours, while 20% expected less training hours.
28% said they are satisfied with the training scheduled for the year, while another 28% said they are dissatisfied.
44% of respondents haven’t had training scheduled yet for this year.
If given a choice, a whopping 72% would like more leadership and management training, 57% would like more soft skills training (e.g. time management, customer service). 47% would like more product-specific training.
28% would like more compliance and regulatory training while 14% would like more exam preparation training.
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