Operational Risk
Learn the causes of operational risk incidents and how to prevent them

This customisable 1-day course is targeted at banking staff and can be conducted in the convenience of your meeting room.
Training prices start from a TOTAL fee of $3,500 a day for a maximum of 20 staff. Costs include all materials, including customised handbooks for all participants.
Meeting/conference room and catering available.

Definition of Operational Risk & risk categories
BIS definition of Operational Risk
Other types of industry risk:
- Credit
- Market
- Liquidity Risk
Industry Governance
Basel II
- 3 pillars
- Basic vs Standardized Approach
Basel III
What’s changing?
What will the impact be on financial institutions
Sarbanes Oxley
Trade Cycle Operational Risks
- The role of Sales, Legal and Compliance
- Trade capture
- Position limits
- Trade affirmation versus confirmation
- Importance of settlement instructions
- Trade reporting
- The importance of accurate reconciliation
- Impact of missing trade or cash breaks
Causes of Operational Risk Incidents
Process Failure
- Absence of, or not following procedures
- Incorrect execution
- Failed Settlement
Systems failure
New system implementation
- Appropriate training and staffing levels
- Fraud
- Human error
- Key person dependency
- Performance and motivation
- Outsourcing – does it increase operational risk?
Case study: Analyze examples of operational risk incidents, identify root causes, and prevention
Prevention and Mitigation of Operational Risk
Incident Review
Vacation Policy
Business Continuity Plans
Exercise: Create a plan for how a firm should implement new operational risk strategies following a major incident
Real life case studies: what can happen when things go wrong?
Direct Loss
Near miss
Client impact
Regulatory Breach
Incorrect Data/Positions
Case study: reviewing an operational risk incident and identifying impact
Read our testimonials here.
To enquire, email enquiries@anagram-group.com.

"Everything was very well-organised. The course handbook was detailed and well-planned, the materials were very useful, the activities were fun and venue was excellent! A wonderful training experience."
- Lim Ai Hua, Course Graduate
More testimonials here.