Thought leadership: our op-eds & articles
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Which is why we've dedicated this section of our website to thoughtful articles on issues companies face.
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The ONE thing you need to know about being a successful leader
Over 2221 views, 63 likes
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By Mark Stuart, Managing Director, Anagram Group
Given my choice of career, you might think I’m shooting myself in the foot by trying to over-simplify a complex topic. However, I truly believe that once you understand people and human relationships, you can start to understand leadership. Obviously, there are many facets to the leading people, and with science helping us to better understand human behaviour, our knowledge of the subject continues to grow.
Read The One Thing You Need to Know About Being a Successful leader.
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Rules of Engagement: Lessons Learned from Working with my Spouse
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By Liyana Stuart, Founder & Marketing Director, Anagram Group
There are many husband-wife teams all around the world, and a study showed there are more than 1.2 million husband-wife teams in the US. That number is fast increasing. However, research also shows that it is hard for husband-wife teams to work together and stay married.
Read Rules of Engagement: Lessons Learned from Working with my spouse.
How Focusing on My Employees Cost Me A Promotion
Over 15,225 views, 676 likes, 79 comments
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By Mark Stuart, Managing Director, Anagram Group
Before I founded Anagram Group and became a corporate trainer/coach, I spent over 15 years in the banking industry working for some of the world’s largest banks. I had a successful career in Derivative Operations (the post-trade stuff), developed high-performing teams in 3 continents, and created happy, engaged working environments for those that worked for me.
Read How Focusing on My Employees Cost Me A Promotion.
No LinkedIn? Read it here.
Bagaimana Berfokus Pada Tim, Justru Membuat Saya Tidak Mendapat Promosi
Ditulis Oleh Mark Stuart, Managing Director, Anagram Group
Sebelum saya mendirikan Anagram Group dan menjadi pelatih untuk korporat, saya menghabiskan lebih dari 15 tahun di industri perbankan - termasuk 5 tahun di Singapura - bekerja untuk beberapa bank terbesar di dunia.
Baca Bagaimana Berfokus Pada Tim Anda, Justru Membuat Saya Tidak Mendapat Promosi
Crisis & Leadership: 5 Lessons from AirAsia's Tony Fernandes
Over 592 views, 21 likes
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By Mark Stuart, Managing Director, Anagram Group
As we continue to mourn the tragic loss of AirAsia QZ8051, I couldn’t help but notice the impressive leadership of CEO Tony Fernandes throughout the crisis. As an active social media user, he has utilised Twitter to send a consistent stream of inspiring, yet sensitive tweets to both his staff and customers.
Read Crisis & Leadership: 5 Lessons from AirAsia's Tony Fernandes.
4 Things the Festive Season Teaches You About Leadership
Over 9,109 views
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By Mark Stuart, Managing Director, Anagram Group
For those of you celebrating this holiday season, Christmas is a time when many reflect back on the past year and make an extra effort to connect with friends and family. However many don’t realise the leadership lessons that can be learnt from the festive season.
Read 4 Things The Festive Season Teaches You About Leadership.
Singapore's Disengaged Workforce: How to use DISC to engage Millenials
Over 1,728 views
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By Mark Stuart, Managing Director, Anagram Group
According to a Gallup Survey, 76% of staff in Singapore are disengaged with their work. This is one of the highest rates of disengagement in the world, and has forced many Singaporean firms to urgently address the issue of employee engagement.
Read Singapore's Disengaged Workforce: How to use DISC to engage millenials
How Can Singapore increase the number of homegrown leaders in banking?
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By Mark Stuart, Managing Director, Anagram Group
With the Singapore banking sector starting to reach maturity, many HR departments are now focusing on the pressing need to develop more local Singaporean leaders. This demand for more effective leadership has burgeoned in recent years given banking crises, increased regulation, and budget constraints.
Read How can Singapore increase the number of homegrown leaders in banking?
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Bonus Season Has Ended: Should you Stay or Should You Go?
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By Mark Stuart, Managing Director, Anagram Group
As we get into the business end of the bonus season in Singapore, 56% of employees are starting to consider whether they should jump ship once their bonus hits their bank account.
In this article, Mark speaks on the pros and cons of staying in your job after bonus season.
Read Bonus Season Has Ended: Should you stay or should you go?
Just how is your bonus calculated if you work in Operations?
By Mark Stuart, Managing Director, Anagram Group
According to efinancialcareers’ banking bonus survey released this week, global bonuses increased in 2013 by 29% compared to the previous year. With London leading the way with a 30% increase on 2012, Hong Kong and Singapore fell to the wayside with a 3% increase and 2% decrease respectively.
So, just how is your bonus calculated? Click here for the article
Hong Kong: The Best Place for Contracting Roles?
By Mark Stuart, Managing Director, Anagram Group
In a survey of 25 job markets carried out in January by Manpower Group, Hong Kong ranked as the best place for employing contractors, based on factors such as talent availability, labour regulation and productivity.
Historically Hong Kong was never seen as an attractive location for contracting roles, so what has changed?
Click here for the article